Sedgwick only cites "The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud" in the book, which is not especially helpful, but she does also reference Guy Hocquenghem's "Homosexual Desire," which represents a 1980s response to Freud's notion of paranoia as homosexual repression (and also draws from Lacan I think), so that might be a useful text.
Which Freud text are you referring to here? I'm doing some research into queer anxieties and it would be super helpful source material!
Sedgwick only cites "The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud" in the book, which is not especially helpful, but she does also reference Guy Hocquenghem's "Homosexual Desire," which represents a 1980s response to Freud's notion of paranoia as homosexual repression (and also draws from Lacan I think), so that might be a useful text.