Welcome to this week’s dispatch from the lesbian internet, a mid-week news roundup from Paging Dr. Lesbian. If you like this type of thing, subscribe.
There has been some hot goss in the world of celesbians recently. Last week, playwright Jeremy O. Harris tweeted “When are we allowed to talk about THAT couple? I really need to know! Can the black council tell me when we are unsealing those documents?” Understandably, people were dying to know who he was talking about, as hinting about a tantalizing piece of gossip like that without dropping the actual goss is destined to make people go crazy trying to figure it out. For some reason, Holland Taylor (noted gf of Sarah Paulson) immediately knew what Harris was talking about, responding to his Tweet by saying “oh, m-a-a-a-a-a-annnn....” THEN, the very next day, Taylor tweeted a quote from Fran Lebowitz about Toni Morrison "You don’t have an audience, you have a congregation." Some people took this as an (unwitting?) confirmation that the couple in question was none other than Fran Lebowitz and Toni Morrison, which, if true, is….incredble? There is literally no evidence for this that I know of right now except for Taylor’s tweet (we do know that they were indeed good friends and talked on the phone every day), but this did lead some to recall various iconic images of the two of them. (Much thanks to purveyor of celesbian gossip betteportergallery for the initial investigation).
In other gossip news, the always steadfast betteportergallery has also unearthed information that Dakota Johnson and Cara Delevigne might have dated in 2016. betteportergallery suggests that if true, Dakota would have been a rebound for Cara after her break up with St. Vincent. See the photographic evidence for yourself.
Because the Cara Delevigne celesbian rumor mill never sleeps, a Twitter sleuth has also discovered that Anya Taylor-Joy recently did a zoom press event FROM Cara Delevigne’s own house. (We, of course, know what the inside of Cara’s house looks like now because of the incredible Architectural Digest video she did recently). Obviously, this doesn’t mean anything concrete, but it is amazing how drama like this tends to surround Cara at all times. She is the Marlene Dietrich of our time!

In adorable news, Mae Martin and Elliot Page got tattoos together. They appear to be of tiny coffee cups. Brie Larson has apparently taken up archery, and in the photos she posted on Twitter, her back muscles are….there! Also, Angelina Jolie has finally joined Instagram! All she has posted thus far is about the need to support Afghan refugees and the importance of helping displaced peoples worldwide, ostensibly as part of her role as a Special Envoy for the UN Refugee Agency. She’s also saving the bees!
That’s all for this week, folks! Until next time. Since the day I’m writing this (August 24th) is Marsha P. Johnson’s birthday, I will leave you with this photo of Marsha, via her biographer @tourmaliiine.