dispatch from sharon stone's instagram following list
and something about lesbians on gossip girl
Welcome to this week’s dispatch from the lesbian internet, a mid-week news roundup from Paging Dr. Lesbian. If you like this type of thing, subscribe.
In TV news, actor Savannah Smith, who plays Monet on the new Gossip Girl reboot, confirmed on Twitter that her character is a lesbian. In her own words: “so yeah. she’s into girls ;). And only girls.” And, I’m told, in last week’s episode, she did in fact, kiss a girl. I am only marginally interested in the show at the moment but perhaps I will have to become more invested if this storyline continues.
In more very important news, Kehlani has let everyone know that she finally started watching The L Word for the first time after the internet bullied her into doing so. (She semi-recently came out as a lesbian). Her review thus far is “this shit is just a porno with a hint of depression and chaos.” She’s right of course, and I would give literally anything to have an L Word viewing party with her.
In more TV news, it was announced this week that Anna Torv will star in HBO’s adaptation of the popular video game “The Last of Us.” This is relevant for us one, because “The Last of Us” was the first blockbuster video game to feature a gay main character (Ellie) and two, Anna Torv is legendary among sapphics for playing a lesbian academic in Mindhunter (and for being cool and hot in Fringe). I know nothing about this game but perhaps I will have to watch it.

Apparently, there is a conspiracy theory going around that iconic femme fatale Sharon Stone is into women, and this theory was made all the more plausible when someone noticed on Instagram that she is following not one but two Gentleman Jack fan accounts (the fact that they are not even official accounts makes it even better). I am obsessed with this discovery and hope there are more updates soon.
If you hadn’t noticed, The Olympics have been happening this week. There have of course been lots of news to come out of this event, but for our purposes, I can point you to these lists about The 42 Gay Women and Non-Binary Soccer Players of the Tokyo Summer Olympics and The 13 Gay Women Basketball Players of the Tokyo Summer Olympics, for your edification. I did in fact watch an Olympic women’s basketball game that began at midnight recently, partially for the above reasons. (Reader: it was good). Please let me know if you have any other gay thoughts about the Olympics.
In more vaguely sports-related news, GMA anchor (and former sportscaster) Robin Roberts recently celebrated her 16th anniversary with her partner on Instagram. They were attending what looked to be a Vannessa Williams concert, and for some reason, Maria Shriver was standing directly behind them. I also found out through my research that Robin Roberts is a member of the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame and scored 1,446 points in her college career. Hello, let’s celebrate that! (Also shout out to @betteportergallery on Instagram for referring me to this news).
This week I also have some recommendations for you. In the TV world, I must beg of you to watch HBO’s Generation, which is the most incredible teen show I’ve seen in years – maybe ever. It also features two adorable and heartbreaking teen sapphics who have literally made me squeal, clutch my pillow, and scream numerous times. In the book world, I recently read two fun lesbian-centric books that I would recommend – The Last Stop, which involves time travel and subways, and Honey Girl, which follows an astronomer who gets drunk and marries a girl she hardly knows in Vegas. Both are a good time.
My other recommendation is that you check out this wonderful list Let's Go, Lesbians: 50 Years of Queer Women On Screen by Shayna Maci Warner. The author complains – rightly so – that the conversation about lesbian films often centers around lesbian period pieces (I’ve fallen into this trap myself) when there are in fact decades of lesbian film history out there. Granted, some of these films can be difficult to access, but if you’re able to invest a few bucks into a virtual film festival or an independent streaming service, your options really open up. Let’s get educated!
Last but not least, Twitter icon Rose Dommu recently responded to a prompt asking (in honor of Bennifer) which celeb couple should get back together with a picture of Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson. This is an objectively funny (and correct) response, but then Samantha Ronson actually responded with “lol” and a gif of Randy Newman saying “It’s gonna be a no from me dawg,” which is 100x more hilarious. Lindsay/Samantha 4ever.

That’s all for this week, folks! Stay tuned for whatever happens next. I will leave you with this recent photo of Mae Martin and “true stud” Elliot Page.